Thursday 10 th April (during school holidays)
9.00 am – 3.00 pm
Thomas Dixon Centre, West End
Musical lovers rejoice! This year, CIA is introducing a series of 1-day workshops for aspiring singers and dancers. For our first Broadway Bootcamp, students will learn iconic songs and choreography from two beloved smash hits:
Six – a modern pop musical retelling the lives of Henry VIII’s six ill-fated wives
Wicked – the gravity-defying prequel to The Wizard of Oz, recently adapted into a critically-acclaimed movie starring Ariana Grande.
In this high-energy workshop, budding stage stars will learn from expert teachers with first-hand experience performing in professional productions of these very musicals. Students will sharpen their skills while gaining industry insider tips from the pros. No previous performance experience is required, so whether you’re a musical maestro or new to the theatre, Broadway Bootcamp will provide the perfect combination of top-quality tuition and non-stop fun – all in one day.
COST: $120 + GST
Places are limited, so sign up now!
Terms & Conditions
By enrolling in a Communication In Action program, you agree to these terms and conditions.
1. Refunds, discounts and Credits
1.1 No refunds, discounts or credits are given for any missed classes, the exception being in school time lessons at BGS and St Aidan’s. If you miss a class due to holiday or illness we may offer a make-up lesson (subject to availability).
2. Class Procedure
2.1 To each lesson my child will bring a display folder to class with an exercise book and pencil.
2.2 All rehearsals for performance classes are compulsory.
2.3 I accept that if a student is being disruptive in any way they may be asked to improve their behavior, or in extreme circumstances, may be removed from class.
2.4 My child will arrive promptly to class, ready to work.
3. Costs
3.1 Fees are due before the first lesson of each term. Accounts will be emailed two weeks before the start of classes. One reminder note will be issued on the first week of term and a $20 administration fee will be added onto fees. Failure to pay fees by week 2 of term, results in termination of classes.
3.2 I am aware AMEB & Trinity College of London examination fees are separate from weekly tuition fees.
3.3 I am aware that private lessons are charged at $88.00hr
4. Re-enrolment and withdrawal
4.1 Re-enrolment from term to term is an automatic procedure. If you wish to withdraw from the program you must give one term’s notice. In order to do this an email must be sent to Jules McMenamin at [email protected]. She will send an email back to confirm the withdrawal of your child. Failure to give one term’s notice will result in payment of the term’s fees.
5. Communication
5.1 We will communicate with you primarily by email, unless you inform us otherwise.
5.2 I agree to keep Communication In Action informed of my up-to-date contact details (mobile/email/postal address)
6. Private Policy
6.1 Communication In Action will not provide your details to any other company, entity or organization.